Scott joined Real Life Assistants (RLA) in August 2021, embarking on a new journey after wrapping up his role as a training accountant. His path led him to become a support worker, and from February of this year, he took on the roles of a part-time Support Facilitator and an enthusiastic Allied Health Officer. With his recent transition to a full-time position, Scott is now donning the hats of a Support Facilitator, Chief Allied Health Officer, and a friendly People and Culture Advisor.
His understanding of disabilities and their impact on individuals’ lives runs deep, shaped by his longstanding role in supporting his own brother with disabilities. Scott’s perspective has evolved further due to personal health challenges, prompting him to refocus on what truly matters.
Scott finds joy in getting to know new participants, tailoring support to match their unique needs and aspirations. He’s excited to bring his diverse strengths to the table, eager to collaborate closely with the Real Life Assistants team and clients to enhance their daily lives. In Scott, you’ll find a friendly face and a genuine desire to make a positive impact.